In today’s world, understanding your rights as an immigrant is crucial. Whether you are undocumented, a green card holder, or on a temporary visa, this guide aims to equip you with the knowledge you need to protect yourself and your family.

1. Your Rights

  • Right to Privacy at home: You are not obligated to allow immigration officers (ICE) into your home unless they have a warrant signed by a judge with your name on it. Ask them to slip the warrant under the door to verify its legitimacy.
  • Stay Silent: You have the right to remain silent if approached by law enforcement or immigration officers. You can say, “I am exercising my right to remain silent.”
  • Do Not Sign Anything: Do not sign documents without understanding what they mean. You have the right to ask for legal representation.
  • You have the Right to an Attorney: You may ask ICE for a list of free attorneys to help with your case. You should also consider already having an attorney picked out.

2. Emergency Preparedness

  • Create a Safety Plan:
    • Memorize important phone numbers.
    • Designate a trusted person to care for your children or handle your affairs if you are detained.
      Keep important documents, such as passports and birth certificates, in a safe place.
  • Power of Attorney: Designate someone you trust to make decisions on your behalf if necessary.
  • Child Custody Plan: Ensure your children have guardianship arrangements in place to avoid being placed in state custody.


Knowing your rights is your first line of defense as an immigrant. By staying informed and prepared, you can navigate challenging situations with confidence and protect yourself and your loved ones. If you need support or guidance, Flora Legal Group is here to help. We provide a special service to keep families prepared. Allow us to help you prepare a power of attorney and child custody documents, as well as evaluate your case for immigration relief options.
Visit our website at for more resources and information. You can also reach out to us directly:
Indianapolis, IN: (317) 487-4652
Louisville, KY: (502) 493-6009