
Are you a victim of a crime who wishes to live in the United States?

If you are a foreign-born person who is the victim of a crime inside the United States and have suffered substantial physical or mental abuse, you may be eligible to apply for a U-Visa if you are willing to assist law enforcement in investigating the crime. 

A U-Visa permits you to live and work in the United States. Once you obtain a U-Visa (also known as U status), you can apply for lawful status for your spouse and children. There are specific requirements that must be satisfied before your U Status can be approved. You must have suffered substantial physical or mental abuse due to criminal activity in one of the following categories: abduction, rape, torture, trafficking, incest, domestic violence, sexual assault, abusive sexual contact, prostitution, sexual exploitation, female genital mutilation, hostage situations, peonage, false imprisonment, involuntary servitude, slave trade, kidnapping, unlawful criminal restraint, blackmail, extortion, manslaughter, murder, felonious assault, witness tampering, obstruction of justice, perjury or attempt, conspiracy, or solicitation to commit any of the above-mentioned crimes.

It is important to note that if at any point you stop cooperating with law enforcement, your U-Visa can be withdrawn.

There are a limited number of U-Visas issued each year.

Discuss Your U-Visa Case With an Experienced Immigration Lawyer at Flora Legal Group

The experienced U-Visa lawyers at Flora Legal Group can help you to determine if you are a victim of a qualifying crime in order to apply for U-Visa.  Our lawyers work with prosecutors’ offices to get the proper certifications that allow you to apply for a U-Visa and can advise you about how to work with law enforcement and how to navigate the U-Visa process.

Call today at (317) 983-3437 to schedule an initial consultation with one of our U-Visa lawyers in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Frequently Asked Questions

What crimes qualify you for a U-Visa?

To be eligible for a U-Visa, you must have:

  • Been a victim of a crime occurring in the United States;
  • Suffered substantial physical or mental abuse as a result of having been a victim of qualifying criminal activity;
  • Willing to cooperate with law enforcement

If you are missing one of the above factors you may still be eligible for a U-Visa. Contact Flora Legal Group’s experienced immigration lawyers to discuss your qualifications.

How long does it take for a U-Visa to be approved?

The U-Visa processing time is generally about five years but it might take longer depending on the number of applications.

Can I get a green card if I have a U-Visa?

After being in the United States for 3 years in U status, you may apply for a green card.

Can I travel with a U-Visa?

Traveling under U status is difficult to do and is usually not advised. To travel under U status, you will need to obtain certain papers to return to the U.S. 

Traveling abroad may also risk your application and U status since you may not be available to cooperate with law enforcement in your case – a requirement of your application and U status.

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