1. Stay Calm and Composed

  • Why: Remaining calm helps you think clearly and respond appropriately.
  • Action: Take deep breaths, avoid arguing or resisting, and stay respectful to the officers. Resisting arrest can lead to additional criminal penalties.

2. Request Criminal Legal Representation

  • Why: Having a lawyer ensures your rights are protected and you get proper legal advice.
  • Action: Clearly state that you want to speak to an attorney as soon as possible. Be sure that you only use reputable criminal counsel. Criminal arrests can have immigration consequences, so it’s important to find an attorney that understands the need to seek immigration advice.

3. Contact a Trusted Friend or Family Member

  • Why: Having support can help you manage the situation more effectively. They can also contact legal representation on your behalf.
  • Action: Inform them of your arrest and your location so they can assist if needed.

4. If arrest by ICE, Reach Out to Immigration Counsel

  • Why: Immigration histories can be complicated. An immigration attorney can reach out to ICE to determine how to get you released and the best next steps.
  • Action: Call or have a friend/family member call a reputable immigration attorney to help with the next steps.

5. Attend All Court Dates and Legal Appointments

  • Why: Missing a court date can result in additional legal issues. Missing an immigration court date can actually lead to a deportation order.
  • Action: Mark all dates on your calendar and plan to attend each one.

6. DO NOT sign a plea agreement without review from an immigration attorney

  • Why: A conviction for a DUI may impact your current immigration status or potential immigration options in the future.
  • Action: Any plea agreement should be reviewed by an immigration attorney before signing.

Being arrested for a DUI can be very scary, especially for immigrants. Our experienced immigration attorneys are here to help you every step of the way. Schedule a consultation today to discuss your case and protect your future.